Sunday, August 5, 2007


I am being so lazy right now. I should be cleaning, going through my school stuff, taking Max for a walk, doing laundry, but instead I get addicted to playing with my... WEBKINZ!! Have you heard of them? You buy these little stuffed animals at the store, look at the "secret code" in their tag, go to, and play with them!! You can feed them, decorate their room, buy them's TOO MUCH FUN!! Mine's name is Tucker and he's a little golden retriever. I bought him some blue jeans and a red baseball cap. I also bought him a treadmill and trampoline so he won't get bored. Keep in mind that these toys are meant to be played with by probably 1st to 6th graders, and here I am 24 years old, and I enjoy it just as much! Hopefully I won't be so bored this week. I'm going to a Ranger's game tomorrow night, cooking SALMON on Tuesday (yes, I am trying to be Ms. Suzie- homemaker), and heading to Abilene on Wednesday through the weekend. I hope my webkinz won't miss me too much!!:) Please keep reading my blog. I promise it'll get better and won't be so silly once school starts!! Enjoy your week!

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