Friday, August 31, 2007

i love my job!!!

This week has been one of the most stressful but wonderful weeks of my life! God knows how much I can handle and he did a beautiful job of balancing the good with the bad this week. I won't even talk about the bad (because it's over and done with), but I would LOVE to talk about my PRECIOUS second graders!!! Last year was hard. I had some tough situations in my class, and I really did not have my classroom management down (which is an understatement!!). This year has been at least 100 times better so far!!! When you combine 17 sweet kiddos with a teacher who somewhat knows what she's doing, you get a wonderful school year!! I'll write more later but so far my kids have made me laugh and love. I think I forgot how little incoming second graders are! They are just babies! I have some funny stories, but I'll have to save them for later. I'm going to Abilene!! Have a great holiday weekend!!

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