Friday, September 7, 2007

funny kids

Kids are so funny. Most of them don't even try to be...they just are. I have this little boy, let's call him Drew (that's not his real name). He takes seriously FOREVER to try to explain things. And sometimes I just think he raises his hand because he wants to talk. Usually this drives me up the wall because I try to move quickly to fit everything into one day, but not with this kid. He's just too cute!! Yesterday we were talking about things we can do to help our community. I called on Drew, and he just went on and on about seemingly nothing. Well he finally got to his point (I still have no idea what it was). After that, I just couldn't hold the laughter in. I could feel myself losing control, so I just told the kids, "Ya'll are so cute and you make me laugh. That's a very good thing." And then I just started cracking up. I was laughing so hard that I was crying! Of course my kids started laughing too, and we just had a good ole time laughing and crying. I'm sure they'll have some pretty interesting things to tell their parents about Miss Watkins. Well, I'm off to the dog park with Max! I haven't taken him there in months and he really needs to get out. Hopefully he won't get attacked like he did before! Have a great weekend!

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