Monday, September 1, 2008

my camera's broken!!

I'm not sure how it happened, but my camera is no longer working:( So my posts will be a little boring until I can buy a new one. It's too bad my birthday is the day before Christmas!!!!! The first week of school went very smoothly. A couple of my kids ended up not coming, so as of now I have 19. So far, my kids have been pretty well-behaved and I don't forsee any of them being huge challenges (discipline-wise). I'm really looking forward to the rest of the school year. It was really nice to have a long weekend. Friday night I stayed up at school until about 7 just trying to get ahead, Saturday and Sunday I went to Grandma's and Katina's to hang out, Sunday we went to church, and today I've been ironing, watching Lifetime movies, and that's about it!! Speaking of church, I don't think I've really said much about it on here. Matthew and I are so blessed to have found Bridge Way. We love it! We have made several friends, joined a small group, taught in the's a wonderful place. You don't have to worry about being judged when you go there...there are people from every background so we really feel like we fit right in. And the worship is amazing. I look forward to it every week, and I never want it to end!! If you live around the DFW area and would like to check it out, Friends Day is Sept. 28th. Let me know and we can go together! Their website is Have a wonderful, short week!!

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