Saturday, February 7, 2009


I'm not a writer. I don't like to write, I don't like to teach writing to my kids, and I'm jealous of those who can write. I think that's the reason it's so hard for me to keep up with my blog. So here is another list to update myself and you millions of readers. :) * Pre-marital counseling has been ok. The book we are reading is really more for the inexperienced and somewhat naive. The last chapter told us that marriage will not solve all your problems (duh), that your partner isn't perfect (yeah, we both know that already), and that everything in our relationship will not magically get better after we're married (really????). Matthew is worried that we're wasting our money on counseling, but I just feel better doing it. We are starting the Five Love Languages at church tomorrow though, and I'm really looking forward to that. * I'm really looking forward to Valentine's Day. Matthew gets to choose what he wants me to cook, we found a quiz book for engaged couples that we're going to do, and we are finally going to watch Fireproof. It should be fun. * I have lost about 7 pounds since the beginning of January. I'm really proud of myself! My goal is to lose about 8 more before the wedding. I'm doing weight watchers online again and have been walking and doing Wii Fit. It feels good! *School is ok. The kids in my class really have personality conflicts. Plus, they are already starting to like each other!! Come on, this is 2nd grade!! So between the arguing and the kissing behind the slides, I really have my hands full. * I am now starting to apply to some school districts. It's so weird to not have any clue where I'll be teaching next year or where we'll be living. I just need to leave it all in God's hands. I guess that's it for now! I don't have any new pictures or I would post them. I'll try to write about once a week from now on!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am frustrated with blogger. Can anyone tell me how to make it easier to create a post and add pictures? Everyone else's looks so cute and mine is just BLAH!!!