I am so ready for summer! Today definitely got me in the mood. I enjoyed the weekend so much more knowing that I didn't have to get up early today. This weekend was busy but so much fun! Here's a rundown of it:
Friday: My second grade team had an end of year party. We gathered at Linda's house for hamburgers and just talked. We had a really nice time.
Saturday: I spent a good part of the day cleaning out my ENTIRE closet. My closet is huge and I've just been putting things in there when I don't know what to do with them. I'm trying to get rid of things before I move so that I won't have so much junk to take over to the new apartment. Oh, and I found a dress for Sara and Jason's wedding. It's so pretty and I'm really excited about it.
Sunday: Matthew and I went to church. Art, the preacher, talked to us about doing a 4 week bible study with him. We are really excited to get to know him better. We then watched the Ranger's game, went to a birthday party, and hung out with a couple of Matthew's friends that night. We ended up playing Wii until midnight...it was a blast.
Monday: Matthew was so nice to take me to the arboretum. I just love that place! It was beautiful but extremely humid, so we didn't stay as long as we had planned. We ended up going to eat at Dodie's afterwards (really good cajun food). Then Matthew had to work so I went home and cleaned out my dresser!
Here are a couple of pictures from the arboretum:

Enjoy your week!