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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
bad blogging
I am being a very bad blogger these days. It's not that I don't have anything going on...I guess it's the opposite. I never find the time to sit down and write something, and when I do have a few minutes I can't think of anything to say!!! Here are a few highlights from the past couple of months:
*Wedding planning galore. I have gotten so much done for the wedding and for the most part I haven't been stressed. We found a place, preacher, cakes, dresses (mine and bridesmaid's), caterer, band, tuxes, ordered Save the Dates, favors, bubbles, and more. It's been fun and I know the most fun is yet to come!!
*Thanksgiving. I had a very nice Thanksgiving with my family. Matthew and I went to Abilene and ate, ate, ate!!!! We also sang lots of karaoke and watched LOTS of sports.
*Christmas shopping! I am so excited about the gifts I'm giving this year! And I'm almost done! I actually have several presents under my tree!! This is seriously the highlight of my life right now.:)
*Church. I love it more each time I go. Matthew and I are involved in our small group and are making some good friends. I feel so blessed to have found such an amazing place where the people are so real!
So that's me in a nutshell right now. I'm sure there's more, but I need to go bake a cake. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
we're engaged!!
Matthew proposed to me on Friday! I told him afterwards that it was completely perfect. It just shows how well Matthew knows me because I couldn't have even put into words what I wanted...but he figured it out anyway! This is how it happened...
I was not feeling well at all on Friday morning. My throat hurt so badly that I thought I might have to call in sick and I was hoping it wasn't strep. After my shower I felt a little better so I decided I'd be okay, BUT I was going to leave as soon as I could after school so that I could get some rest. Matthew had a football game that night (so I thought) so I would have the evening to myself. I told Matthew sometime during the day how I felt, and I remember him saying, "Well don't you skip out early from school!" Little did I know why he said that.
I ran into Matthew's mom (Cathy) during the day (she's the assistant principal) and she could tell I wasn't feeling well. I told her that I hoped to leave right after school. Well, on my way back from dismissing the kids, Cathy told me that she and the principal needed to see me in her office at 3:45. I was kinda bummed because I wanted to leave, but of course I said okay. I went down there and they started talking to me about my Literacy Stations, acting all interested and asking me a ton of questions. I was trying to be short so that I could just get out of there. Finally we were done and I headed back to my room to gather my things. When I returned to my room I opened the door and turned on the lights and I saw this:
He said some really sweet things and asked if I'd marry him. Of course I said yes! It was perfect that he did it at school because this is where we met for the first time two years ago. The ring is absolutely beautiful! We went to tell Rachel across the hall from me (who had been in on the whole thing and had let Matthew into my room), and then we went down to the office to tell his mom. It was then that Matthew said we probably needed to get going because we had dinner reservations at 6:00. He wouldn't tell me where.
So, we went back to my place so that I could change clothes and then headed out. Of course I had called my mom, dad, brother, and some friends by this point. I started crying in the car because after I told my dad he said, "I wish I could hold you right now." I told Matthew that I wished I could see my parents.
We pulled up to A Taste of Italy and went inside. The waitress took us to the back of the restaurant and when we walked in I was so surprised to see this...
My family, his family, and some friends were waiting for us. This was such a special surprise. We had a great time eating and chatting about all the lies Matthew had been telling me over the past few weeks. It turns out I'm a little nosy and hard to keep a secret from. Who knew???
Here are some more pictures from the restaurant:
Afterwards we went back to the Irby's for dessert where some more friends joined us.
This was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I'm so thankful that God has given me a man who loves me enough to do all of this for me. Wedding details to come!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
I think that our fall weather might finally be getting here! I'm no weather forecaster but the rain and wind makes me excited for the change in seasons. I absolutely LOVE this time of the year for many reasons. Here they are:
jack-o-lanterns, cute ghosts, black cats
pumpkins, scarecrows, fall-scented candles
changing leaves
cooler weather
thinking about buying halloween candy
matthew's birthday
our anniversary
apple cider and hot chocolate
thinking about turkey and what to cook for thanksgiving (to bring to mom and dad's)
a change in wardrobe
not being miserable at recess
fall stationery for the kiddos
starting my christmas lists of what to buy everyone
anticipating listening to christmas music
starting early so that i don't feel like the season got away from me
Enjoy your "cooler" week!
Monday, September 1, 2008
my camera's broken!!
I'm not sure how it happened, but my camera is no longer working:( So my posts will be a little boring until I can buy a new one. It's too bad my birthday is the day before Christmas!!!!!
The first week of school went very smoothly. A couple of my kids ended up not coming, so as of now I have 19. So far, my kids have been pretty well-behaved and I don't forsee any of them being huge challenges (discipline-wise). I'm really looking forward to the rest of the school year.
It was really nice to have a long weekend. Friday night I stayed up at school until about 7 just trying to get ahead, Saturday and Sunday I went to Grandma's and Katina's to hang out, Sunday we went to church, and today I've been ironing, watching Lifetime movies, and that's about it!! Speaking of church, I don't think I've really said much about it on here. Matthew and I are so blessed to have found Bridge Way. We love it! We have made several friends, joined a small group, taught in the's a wonderful place. You don't have to worry about being judged when you go there...there are people from every background so we really feel like we fit right in. And the worship is amazing. I look forward to it every week, and I never want it to end!! If you live around the DFW area and would like to check it out, Friends Day is Sept. 28th. Let me know and we can go together! Their website is
Have a wonderful, short week!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
School starts on Monday! I can't believe another school year is here. I'm excited and nervous about this one. I've learned that I have 13 boys and 7 girls (yikes!). I feel much more confident this year, and I'm so excited to improve my literacy stations, my word wall activities, and my guided reading groups. I'm also looking forward to our new math curriculum. Last year was wonderful...I had a great group of kiddos and some outstanding parents. Who knows what this year will bring???
We have had some really good staff development meetings this year. In one of these, one of my colleagues challenged us to make a list of goals for this school year. I've thought long and hard about these, posted them in my classroom as a daily reminder, and now I thought I'd share them here.
GOALS: 2008/2009
1. Working together effectively: I want to teach my students to solve social problems/disagreements with minimal or no teacher intervention.
2. Take responsibility for own learning: My goal is for my students to be excited to learn new things and to apply the things they learn to other aspects of their lives.
3. Possess problem solving and higher level thinking skills: I want to teach my students to "think outside the box."
4. Care about others: I want to teach my students to be caring individuals who treat themselves and others with respect.
I hope and pray that I can be a good teacher to these kiddos, teach them the things they need to learn, establish a love of learning in them, give them confidence to achieve their own goals, and ultimately show them Christ's love.
Monday, August 4, 2008
8 days left
I just realized that it's been a month since I've posted!! It's not that I haven't had enough time...because I I'll blame it on the lifetime movies I keep watching!!
I have had a blast during this second-half of summer. Our friends got married, mom and I went to South Padre on vacation (where we had a blast), I got my hair cut short, and we moved my Granny to Abilene. I've also worked on a few things for school and have taken care of some doctor's appointments. Here are some pics from all of those activities:
Me and Matthew at Casey and Ashley's wedding
Mom eating more food than I've EVER seen her eat!
Me and Mom by the ocean...nice hair!!
On the Dolphin Cruise
I have 8 more days of summer and there is still fun to be had!! During the next 8 days I'm planning on...
*Spending a day at Six Flags
*Watching Matthew's last two softball games
*Getting my hair cut again
*Working in my classroom
*Watching Lifetime movies
Enjoy your week!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
austin and a sick puppy
Matthew and I went to Austin this weekend to visit Chloe and Andrew. We all had a great time!! Friday night Andrew cooked out on the grill and we ate fajitas. Then we drank some yummy drinks and played Friends Scene It and of course the Wii.
We knew that the dogs would be staying outside quite a bit over the weekend, so on Saturday morning we decided to buy them a pool. Yoshi was NOT a fan, but we found out that Max is definitely a water dog! He cracked us up laying in it and sticking his face in the water. He was so cute!!
Chloe and I got pedicures on Saturday and then we all went to play disc golf and miniature golf that evening. I was the dog nanny while we played disc!!
On Sunday we floated down the Guadalupe River. We had so much fun! That night we went to The Oasis to eat. The place is huge and overlooks a beautiful lake.
On Monday we went to see good.. and then went on the bat cruise. The bat cruise takes you around a river and underneath a bridge where bats fly out at sunset. It was really cool!
We had such a fun weekend and Max and I both got to see our BFF's!!!
On our way home yesterday, though, Max started getting sick. He threw up pretty much right after we left Austin, and did it several more times on the way back to Dallas (we drove with the windows rolled down!). I wasn't too worried because I knew that he had eaten some treats that he wasn't used to, but the throwing up didn't stop. He woke me up in the middle of the night and that's when I got really scared. I've heard of dogs eating parts of toys and then having to have surgery that costs thousands of dollars and I just KNEW that's what happened to Max. I kept thinking, "I love him but I don't have thousands of dollars to spend!" I slept with him on the couch because I thought this might be my last night with him (I get dramatic in the middle of the night). This morning I took him to the vet who did some expensive x-rays. The vet thinks he just ate something different, but wants me to watch him for the next few days. I'm pretty sure he'll be alright but I was so scared! He is definitely my baby!!
Thanks for reading this insanely long post! Enjoy your week!
**UPDATE: Evidently Max ate an entire squeaker out of a toy. Don't ask me how I found out.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
redeeming love
These past couple of weeks have gone by in a whirlwind! I got through the end of school, went home for a few days, celebrated with Sara and Jason as they got married, and moved into a new apartment. Things have been crazy and it's nice to be settled down again.
This morning Matthew and I met with our preacher again. This guy has been through a lot and he has such great insight into the scriptures and just life in general. He's really challenging us (not just Matthew and I but the whole church) to be better people and to not live lives of complacency. God has given me a lot so he expects a lot out of me. It's a very simple message but hard to understand and act on. I pray that I am embarking on a new spiritual journey unlike any other in my life. How exciting!!
BTW if you have not read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers you really should. It's the story of Hosea put into modern times. It is a great story of the love and forgiveness of the Father, something that we all need to be reminded of from time to time. I read it a couple of years ago and I decided to start it again today.
This week I'll be busy trying to get my apartment like I want it, helping out with VBS, and laying by the pool. What a fun week!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
what holiday are you?
You Are Easter |
Sensitive and affectionate, you are easily touched. You love nature, animals, and anything cute or cuddly. For you, every day is a new chance - no matter what happened yesterday. What makes you celebrate: Almost anything. You love most holidays and celebrations. At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The peacemaker. You can prevent any squabbles that might break out. On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Remember to include everyone |
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I feel old. My youngest cousin graduated from High School this weekend. He is the BABY of the family!! No, really I'm so proud of him and excited to see what happens in his future. Here's a picture of the frousins, plus Matthew:
It was so good to see everyone, even if it was for a short time.
On another note: THREE MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!! I can't believe it! I honestly have mixed emotions. I am so excited to sleep in, clean, go on trips, sleep in, watch movies, etc. , but I'm really going to miss my class. They have been amazing! I've hardly had any discipline problems this year and they have really taught me a lot.
Things My Class has Taught Me This Year:
* Making a mess is okay and even fun, and it will get cleaned up
* You can teach mealworms tricks
* It's sad when a silkworm dies
* Kids can learn English extremely quickly when they need to
* Girl drama starts YOUNG
* My classroom is the only safe place for some kids and I need to love them like Jesus does each and every day (NOT an easy task!!)
I am looking forward to so much this summer! Here's a quick preview (can you tell I'm a list-maker??)
* Trip to Abilene
* Rangers games
* Sara and Jason's wedding
* Moving in with Valerie
* Trip to Austin to see Chlova
* Trip to South Padre with mom
* Sleeping in and laying by the pool
Enjoy your week!

Monday, May 26, 2008
memorial day fun
I am so ready for summer! Today definitely got me in the mood. I enjoyed the weekend so much more knowing that I didn't have to get up early today. This weekend was busy but so much fun! Here's a rundown of it:
Friday: My second grade team had an end of year party. We gathered at Linda's house for hamburgers and just talked. We had a really nice time.
Saturday: I spent a good part of the day cleaning out my ENTIRE closet. My closet is huge and I've just been putting things in there when I don't know what to do with them. I'm trying to get rid of things before I move so that I won't have so much junk to take over to the new apartment. Oh, and I found a dress for Sara and Jason's wedding. It's so pretty and I'm really excited about it.
Sunday: Matthew and I went to church. Art, the preacher, talked to us about doing a 4 week bible study with him. We are really excited to get to know him better. We then watched the Ranger's game, went to a birthday party, and hung out with a couple of Matthew's friends that night. We ended up playing Wii until was a blast.
Monday: Matthew was so nice to take me to the arboretum. I just love that place! It was beautiful but extremely humid, so we didn't stay as long as we had planned. We ended up going to eat at Dodie's afterwards (really good cajun food). Then Matthew had to work so I went home and cleaned out my dresser!
Here are a couple of pictures from the arboretum:
Enjoy your week!

Friday, May 16, 2008
i must be bored...
You know I'm bored when I post twice in one day! I was just reading over my blogs and saw that I had posted one called "why i love cooler weather". I LOVE the change of seasons and right now is just about perfect. So...
Why I love Warmer Weather
*i can finally wear sleeveless shirts again
*i get in the mood to cut my hair short (which I did last week)
*it stays lighter later
*spring cleaning!
*the anticipation of summer break
*it's an excuse to buy summer clothes
*it's an excuse to buy a new swimsuit
*laying by the pool
*long walks
*planning summer trips
*Ranger's games
*watching softball games
*getting ready to RELAX!
Enjoy the warm weather!
i know it's been a while....
Okay I know it's been forever since I've posted. I think there are only like three people who read this, so this is for you!! Actually several things have been happening lately...
My mom and dad are moving! I went last weekend to help them pack up our memories. They are only moving down the block, but the house is bigger, has a beautiful backyard, and has the nice big kitchen that my mom has always wanted. I'm really excited for them and to help them decorate!
We are finally committing to Bridgeway! Matthew and I have decided to place our membership this Sunday and we are both really excited. It's really the perfect place for both of us. Yay!
I got my stimulus check!! Thanks George!! I am so very excited about this because it's much-needed. Keep reading to find out why...
I'm moving! I have lived in this apartment for two years, but now I have an opportunity to save some money (which is something I have NOT been able to do since I've been here). Valerie and I have decided to live together, and I'm really excited. We're just moving to a different apartment in my complex, but it'll cost a bit to move because of a new pet deposit, a transfer fee, etc. I'll be saving lots of money in the long run, so I really think it's a good move. Now I've just got to start packing and throwing away!
Oh one last thing: I started doing Weight Watchers. I have seriously been gaining weight lately, and it needs to STOP!! I started about two weeks ago and I have lost 3 pounds! I actually really enjoy it. I have 22 points/day and I log them online every day. I have 35 extra points/week so that I can splurge on my chocolate, cake, whatever I feel like. Plus, they provide tastey recipes that are low fat/cal. So, it's pretty much the perfect diet. And it's helping me to eat healthier.
I think that's it for now. Sorry, no pictures to post today. Enjoy your weekend!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
count your blessings
I haven't written anything here in almost two months. I don't know if anyone still reads this, but I thought that it's probably time that I post something, if not for others then for myself. I think I'll write about things that I've been thankful for over these past two months.
Bridgeway: Matthew and I have been attending Bridgeway Church and we are both really loving it. The people have been incredibly welcoming and we are going to join a small group this Friday. We are taking it slowly this time, making sure that this is the place for us before getting too involved or making any commitments. Let me know if you would like to hear more about this church. I'm really excited about it.
Matthew's job: This is both a blessing and a major stress right now. If you want to know more, just ask. But prayers are much appreciated.
Spring Break: Matthew and I went to Abilene over spring break to help out mom after her surgery. We all had a great time! It was fun taking care of mom, watching movies, going on walks, laughing at Max, and just hanging out. I was also excited that my good friend Michael came down for the day while we were there. It had been two years since I'd seen him and we had a great day together playing disc golf and just catching up. He'll always be a special friend.
Easter: I really wanted to be back home in time for church on Sunday, but that meant being away from my family on Easter. Matthew's family welcomed me in for Easter lunch and the Easter bunny even brought me a basket!
Things I'm looking forward to:
Small group
Rangers games starting next week!
Faith's wedding in Montana
Max's birthday
laying by the pool
Summer break!
Enjoy your week!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
lent and other things
Well, it's been forever since I've posted. There have been several times that I've thought about it, but I guess I haven't had a lot to say!
I gave up drinking diet cokes for lent (except for one every morning to wake me up). The first day I had a major headache, but it's been fine since then. It's funny -- I've been putting off giving up diet coke because I thought it would be this extremely hard thing to do, but it hasn't been bad at all! I bought some Crystal Light today so I'll be drinking lots of water.
Matthew and I celebrated Valentine's Day early last night by eating dinner at a restaurant called Shinsei. It was delicious, and the cook (who is on a famous cooking show, I don't know which one because I don't get that channel!) came and talked to us!! We were all dressed and afterwards we went to this little kids' ice cream shop. It was such a fun night! On Valentine's Day we'll go to Bennigans because it's where we went last year on V day and where we went on our first date. It's a special place for us!
We're going to Abilene for Sing Song this weekend. I'm really excited because I'll get to spend time with my family, go to Woodlawn, and probably see my cousins! I haven't been home since before Christmas, so I'm missing it!
I guess that's it for now! This week will be really busy, but lots of fun. I can't wait to get some sweet Valentine's from my kiddos!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
We had a really fun New Year's Eve!! Our friends Casey and Ashley came over and I cooked for everyone in my new crock pot! We then played games and ate some amazing cheese dip that Ashley made. We had such a fun time! The thing I'm the most proud of is the way Max acted. He was an angel, even while we were playing games in the middle of the floor. He's growing up!!
Now onto my new year's resolutions. I make resolutions every year and, like most people, I don't really follow through with them. I keep them up for maybe a month and then life gets the best of me. Well, I'm trying to start a-new this year. I'm telling myself that it's okay if I mess up on my resolutions, just as long as I get back on track after I get off. Hopefully if I share my goals on here, I'll be more likely to keep them. Here they are:
1. Drink more water. I need to drink a bottle of water for every diet coke I have. (That's gonna be lots of water!!).
2. Work out. At least four times a week. Can include walking Max, doing my new Tae Bo videos, or going to the gym.
3. Cook more. I'm going to really try to cook an actual meal at least twice a week. I plan to use my new crock pot!!
4. Read the Bible/pray more. This is on my list every year.
5. Find a church. Matthew and I are still looking for a church that's right for us and where we can get involved.
A new year is not the only time for making goals, but it's easier for me to start over if I feel like I have a clean slate. I hope you are successful in your resolutions!
I had an amazing Christmas! I enjoyed spending time in Abilene with my family, we came to Dallas to spend time with frousins, and I got to be with Matthew's family some, too. Here are some pictures from the week:
Mom holding a present we got her
Dad wearing his new Cowboys baseball cap
us with Granny
me and my sweetie
girl frousins
I hope your Christmas was wonderful, too!

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