I am an emotional person. Always have been, and I'm sure I always will be. I can't help it. I cry at movies, weddings, funerals, greeting cards, sweet commercials, TV shows, songs, when I step on my dog's paw, during church, when I see babies, and sometimes I even tear up at school when one of my kids says something sweet. I honestly wish I weren't so emotional (or
sensitive and I prefer to call it), but I guess it's just something I was born with.
What I never realized, however, is how much
being in love would make me cry. I cry when we fight, when I think about our future, when we've planned a fun activity for a while and it's suddenly over, and sometimes for no reason at all! Has this happened to anyone else? Love is such a wonderfully complex emotion, and I think it causes different reactions in different people. I mean, Matthew certainly doesn't cry because he's in love with me!! The poor guy doesn't know what to do about all of my blubbering, but thank goodness he is patient.
I wasn't sure if I should blog about this, but I'm just so excited that I've put my finger on the reason I've been crying so much lately. Here's a cute picture of us to wrap things up:

Thanks for reading and enjoy your week!